Meet Chris 

Hello all, and thanks for coming to my site! My name is Chris and I’m the owner here at Grunt Work Saddles. I’m from a small town in Arkansas. I guess in order to start any story you need a backstory. My first hunting trip was with my Uncle when I was ten years old. By the end of that day, I was hooked. About five years ago, I was hunting from mostly blinds and tree stands, until I stumbled across the idea of saddle hunting. It intrigued me so I started researching and watching videos on YouTube, just gathering as much information as I could on the subject. I was excited about the idea of not being confined to one spot in the tree during my hunt. I was working in the car body shop business at the time, and I knew my way around a sewing machine because of my familiarity with car upholstery. That’s when I had an idea and I thought, “You know what- I feel like I could make my own hunting saddle.” I had some ideas on the design that I felt like would make my saddles more comfortable and easy to use. After talking to some of my hunting buddies about the advantages of saddle hunting, they started asking me to make them hunting saddles. I taught both of my boys how to use them because they are way easier to use and so much lighter to carry.

I’ve been perfecting my saddles for five years, selling them to family and friends for four years, all while changing things here and there to make a design that I’m really proud of today. It took a bit of courage to take the leap of faith and make this a full time business, but I’m passionate about what I do and I am really appreciative that you took the time to check it out! Thank you!


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